Generation Y and Millennials

Generation y och millennials

Attract the right candidates

A large part of the recruitment process is about attracting the right candidates. This usually begins in the ad writing, highlighting positive success factors in employers. There may also be benefits offered with employment at the company. But what is actually considered desirable at an employer? What does it look like in the next upcoming generation of job seekers today?

What are Generation Y and Millennials looking for from their employer?

The new generation has many names: Generation Y and Millenials, they are the two most commonly used. What they are looking for at their employers is something that is studied intensively, not least in Employer branding purposes. It is becoming more and more popular today with the transparency and knowledge competition in today’s labor market. What was important a couple of decades back does not indicate the new generation that is changing the labor market today. It has to do with historical aspects and high-tech developments. It has in many ways changed our way of working today. Today, in many cases, computers and mobile phones belong to our two main tools. Unlike previous generations, it can be seen that the younger generation of the workers is characterized by a lot of freedom of choice. The work should also be stimulating and contribute to personal development. This can also be a contributing factor to the fact that more demands are made on employers today. Competition for the right labor has never been greater. Today, there is a greater chance of being downset by researchers rather than salesmen if you have the right skills.

Employer branding

If we return to the term Employer branding, this will be extremely important in today’s competition. Offering what is considered desirable at Generation Y and Millennials is crucial for winning the right workforce that the company needs.

The 10 most common factors

We have summarized ten recurring factors that are considered to be of great importance to the new generation of workers. These create our unique personality and are independent of growth, culture, and genetic heritage. What can be discerned in many studies indicates that mental rewards are equal, or greater impact than physical. Examples of these are salary, more holiday days, flexible working hours, etc. The 10 most common factors for Generation Y and Millenials are:

  1. Strong investment in employee development
  2. Be seen as an individual
  3. Clearly designed opportunities for achieving long-term career goals
  4. Variation in daily work
  5. A dynamic forward spirit in the company
  6. International exposure
  7. Clear expectations and goals
  8. Communication
  9. Confidence and responsibility
  10. Recognition.